Sunday, 28 May 2017

New batch of PSU's in the making.

About 15 PSU's will be split between ST & Falcon, 240, 120V versions.

There will be another 15 (or thereabouts) after these, Though those boards currently only have the SMT parts soldered on.  It will likely be a few months before the next batch is done.

The ST types are sold as shown in the image (basically read to use PSU board).  You will need to "swap" the PCB on your old PSU to the new board as shown in the image.

The Falcon PSU is more expensive but also has the motherboard PSU connector fitted. You will still need to re-use your old PSU and swap the board like the ST one.

Of course, the ST PSU is cheaper, and if anyone wants to fit the connector themselves then they are free to do so :)  The ST and Falcon PSU's are the exact same board. So are interchangeable.

Please keep a eye on my stores PSU section for availability and prices. It may even be next year before I start the second batch of these. They are very time consuming to build!

Falcon PSU

More PSU information


  1. What about the DMA chip, I read that in 1991 there was a issue :p

  2. First person to comment and first person to likey get banned at the same time :P
